Monthly living cost in Norway.

One thing is known about this beautiful country – it’s rough with its prices. Especially when you’re living as a student, on a really tight budget, counting every little coin twice. But how much exactly it’s for one month of living here?

I always wanted to do this little experiment, but never actually made myself do it. I started collecting receipts from every shop, even from pubs and second hands shops, for one month. It’s a really good way to be more aware of how much you actually spend on what (it’s quite handy to see how much you have spent on alcohol).


The whole month costed around 6 070 NOK, containing food, rent and everything else. The only thing that could change this number a little bit, is a fact that I got a package from my family with some food. So without the package it could be around 6 500 NOK (but I’m going to count the real number). Rent in a student house costs 3 770 NOK and this includes all the bills that you usually pay when you have a normal accommodation. So the rent takes around 62% of whole cost of living which is quite drastic in my opinion. But to find something under 3 000 NOK is quite a search to do, so if you’re planning to move to Norway, consider this fact. Twice.


food            19,7%

alcohol       5,9%

other          12,12%       (cosmetics etc.)

rent            62,10%       (student acc.)



1200 NOK (per person up to 2000 NOK)

360   NOK (individual)

736   NOK (depends on what you use)

3770 NOK (rarely cheaper)

6070 NOK


This is a little summary, which is quite shocking for me, because it shows that I almost have spent more on other stuff than on food. And I definitely have spent too much on beers (TMI here, sorry). I hope it helped a tiny for those who wants to live in Norway but are terrified of costs. It’s not that bad if you work here, so consider having a good offer of a job, before coming here.

Have a nice week everyone!

Author: againorway

a dreamer trying to make a living in Norway

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